The United States will start exporting more of its energy bounty, which is making gas and oil companies very happy, American manufacturers skeptical, and the majority of environmentalists enraged.
Last month the United States Energy Department approved a second application to export natural gas from a facility ...
Napster co-founder and Internet bad boy Sean Parker dished out $10 million for his fantasy wedding in Big Sur, and now, he is being slapped with $2.5 million in fines for the dream-like nuptials.
Parker constructed the equivalent of a Lord of the Rings movie set near the majestic redwoods and a creek that ...
The world’s largest retailer has been fined for flouting the United States’ Clean Water Act; WalMart has been issued this fine by U.S. authorities on several accounts, a report claims.
WalMart plead guilty to charges of several environmental crimes, including mishandling pesticies and hazardous ...
Today, President Barack Obama took a trip to the Jersey Shore, where he visited with local business owners and families who are preparing for the 2013 beach season.
President Obama last visited this strip of coastline in November of last year to evaluate the damage and destruction leftover by Hurricane Sandy. However ...
The string of brutal tornadoes that ripped through the center of the United States last week brought forth at least $3 billion in damage, according to estimates from a catastrophe risk modeler known as Eqecat.
The massive storms produced 79 tornadoes that touched down in 10 states over a three day timeframe ...
At least 24 people, including nine schoolchildren, were killed when a massive tornado hit an area outside Oklahoma City on Monday afternoon.
At least seven of the children killed were students at Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore, Oklahoma. Emergency respondents today continued to sift through ...
The United States Environmental Protection Agency announced that will provide grants of $340 million to New York and $229 million to New Jersey for improvements to drinking water treatment facilities that were impacted by Hurricane Sandy. These funds will help storm-ravaged communities in both states as they continue ...
New figures show that, energy-saving technologies and a concerted effort in renewables have led to the overall reduction in climate pollution. This drops in climate pollution—even as the U.S. Congress fails to act on climate change in a broad spectrum—brings the United States more than halfway towards President Barack Obama ...
The controversial hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” technique for natural gas drilling came under fire again last week as a driller from Poland, Ohio was indicted by a jury in Youngstown. The driller, Benedict Lupo, was charged with violations of federal environmental laws that could result in a prison sentence ...
With a new emphasis on sustainable and renewable technological development, the 21st century military has been developing inventions that will help make the armed forces of the future have less of an impact on our planet.
In the furthest reaches of Afghanistan, the United States Marine Corps is running bases that generate their ...